Adventurer's Whim Wiki

Welcome to the Adventurer's Whim Wiki[]

The official Wiki page for the Adventurer's Whim RPG Game!

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Important Notice[]

Please be aware that this wiki contains spoilers for the Adventurer's Whim RPG Game.

Game Info[]

Adventurer's Whim is an RPG Game developed by Aiden Milden with the RPGM-VX Ace Engine. The beta version was released on July 14, 2018 for PC only. The game takes place in a fictional land known as the Almer Province, within the province are three regions known as Wispan (Tundra), Felgrove (Forest and plains), and Arad (Desert and jungle). The story follows a young man known as Eric The Lad of Edlebrook, who wishes to adventure across the province. His travels grow sour as tragedy hits too close to home.

The official release of the game is scheduled for release sometime in 2024.

Play for free here![]

PC Download:

[ Not Currently Released ]

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Title Screen as of 7-12-2017
